Synergy Massage Therapy
Massage therapy
Synergy Massage Therapy
Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology as opposed to energy work that is more common in Asian-style massage. Swedish massage is the foundation for other types of Western massage, including sports massage, holistic massage, deep tissue massage and aromatherapy massage.
This the standard and most general types of massage. When people think of a comforting relaxing massage, this is what they are thinking about. This type of service has more to do with long relaxing strokes that focus on muscle groups as a whole, and generally the focus is on the full body.
In Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil and performs various massage strokes that warm up and work the muscle tissue, releasing tension and breaking up muscle “knots” or adhered tissues, called adhesions.
A Swedish massage can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on the therapist’s personal style and what he or she wants to achieve.
Swedish massage promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension and creates other health benefits, If you’re looking for a tranquil massage where you can find peace and maybe even fall asleep, this service is perfect for you!
All new clients undertake a consultation and evaluation prior to the commencement of any treatment, to ensure their needs are known.